
Who needs SqlMake ?

You will benefit from SqlMake if you are confortable with SQL and see the value of defining your sql schemas (tables, stored functions, indexes, roles…) directly in sql and not through an ORM system like the Django ORM, SqlAlchemy or Hibernate to name a few.

What SqlMake allows you to do is to split your SQL schema accross multiples sql files accurately defining dependencies which may exist in between such files by mean of special SQL comments. When in need to recreate your database schema, the sqlmake tool will collect all files resources that composes the schema, parse them and emit the SQL commands they contain in optimal order so as to respect the dependencies that have been defined.

Once your schema has been split in between several files, it will be very easy to read and maintain. If you archive it in a version control system like git, subversion or mercurial it will also be very easy to prepare migration scripts.

Installing SqlMake

Installing the sqlmake CLI tool currently requires you have some familiarities with the way python packages are distributed. For now sqlmake has been tested only with python 2.7 interpreter.

To install SqlMake and its dependencies using pip, run

pip install SqlMake

Running the sqlmake CLI

Getting help

sqlmake -h

Compiling a schema from a set of resources

sqlmake --out=myschema.sql path/to/project/folder